Advance notice is now being provided that from the week commencing 9 January 2023, the areas outlined in red on the plans below, known as Eagles Court Car Park and Market Square, will cease to be available for the movement or parking of vehicles or access on foot.
Eagles Court Car Park will be closed to vehicles from 8.00am on Monday 9 January 2023 and the Market Square Car Park will close from 8.00am on Monday 16 January 2023.
The areas highlighted in red below will be secured with fencing to prevent vehicles from parking but pedestrian access to the adjacent businesses will remain in place at all times.
The closure of both of these areas is due to the commencement of the Public Realm major construction works which are taking place in Kirkham Town Centre as part of the Kirkham Futures Programme.
The contractor for the works will require sole use of both of these areas, outlined in red, until January 2024 or until further notice. Both areas will be fenced off in due course.
Alternative parking is available at:
Mill Street Car Parks- Two tier car park to the east of Morrison's and adjacent to the Main Street providing 134 free parking spaces and 6 disabled parking spaces.
Orders Lane Car Park- Short stay car park near Town End providing 3 hours of free car parking.
On street - parking where permitted. (please note that all on street parking is controlled by Lancashire County Council so allenquiries should be made directly to them at or 0300 123 6701)
The works to be carried outare part of the Kirkham Futures Programme and further information can be found byvisiting by contacting the team on 01253 658658 or email