Advance Notice of Ginnel Closure - 9/12/24 - 10/11/24

November 27, 2024

Notice is now being provided that commencing from 8.00am on Monday 9 December the ginnel, marked above in blue, will be temporarily closed for access during working hours on Monday 9 December & Tuesday 10 December.


The closure of the ginnel is required to help facilitate works on the renovation of the Former Girls Charity School/TSB as part of the Kirkham Futures Programme.

Access from the Community Centre Car Park and Lower Mill Street Car Park will be via other existing exits highlighted above in red.


Disabled drivers and those requiring a level exit from the car park to the High Street are advised to park on the upper part of the Community Centre Car Park and exit the car park via the level access ginnel onto Poulton Street.


We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


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